All About Ibukota Nusantara on Social Media


Some time ago, the Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa, announced the name of the new capital city of Indonesia, which is suspected to be located in the East Kalimantan region. The new capital will be named Nusantara.

The location of the city that will replace Jakarta as the nation’s capital is partly in the North Penajam Paser Regency, then partly in the Kutai Kartanegara Regency.

Although the issue of relocating the capital has emerged since 2019, it seems that the ordination of the name of the new capital is still reaping mixed reactions from netizens. What’s wrong?

Nusantara Meaning

According to KBBI, Nusantara is a name or term for all areas in Indonesia. Etymologically, the word Nusantara is absorbed from the Kawi language. The word “Nusa” means island, and “Antara” means outside. The word Nusantara was first recorded in the Negarakertagama book to describe the concept of state adopted by Majapahit whose territory covered most of Southeast Asia, especially the archipelago.

The name Nusantara was reused by Ki Hajar Dewantara as one of the alternative names for the Dutch East Indies after independence. Although the name that was finally used to this day is the name of Indonesia, the word Nusantara is still often used as a synonym for the Indonesian archipelago.

Ibukota Nusantara talks on social media

Number of talks

Monitoring related to Nusantara conversations on social media is carried out through the NoLimit Dashboard with a monitoring period from 16 to 22 January 2022.

Movement of conversations related to the capital of the archipelago on social media (source: NoLimit Dashboard)

During the monitoring period, it was observed that the movement of the data increased on 18 and 19 January 2022. The highest peak of conversation occurred on 19 January with 12,290 conversations from 11,645 speakers. Overall, during this period there were 29,944 conversations from 24,820 speakers. So it can be concluded that the peak of the conversation on January 19th dominated almost 1/3 of the conversation during the monitoring period.

Netizen responses regarding to ibukota Nusantara

Wordcloud talks about the capital of the archipelago (source: NoLimit Dashboard)

Instead of its location which is quite far from the current state capital, the issue that is most often raised on social media is the naming of the capital itself. Several viral tweets expressed negative sentiments about the name Nusantara being used as the name of this capital, as seen in the following tweets.

This tweet from a netizen with the username @lamborghinill discusses how the satellite cities around the new national capital will be shortened.

In his tweet, Ernest Prakasa stated that the naming of the archipelago was a bit odd because it could be confusing.

Another netizen with the user account @glrhn compared the name Nusantara with another alternative name, namely Borneo.

Top Influencer

Apart from the tweets above, there are also some tweets from netizens with a fairly high number of followers, or usually categorized as influencers, who gave their opinions regarding the new capital.

Top Media

The following are tweets related to the Indonesian capital from media accounts.

The issue related to the new capital is interesting to discuss, as evidenced by the diverse opinions of netizens on social media. Do NoLimit friends have other opinions about this capital? Write it in the comments!

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One thought on “All About Ibukota Nusantara on Social Media

  1. Nice one


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