NoLimit Indsight: Omicron Variants and its Impact on People’s Lives


In February 2022, NoLimit Indonesia re-released the NoLimit Indsight report with a focus on the variant of the Omicron virus and how its presence affects people’s lives.

As we know, since the fourth quarter of 2021, the whole world has been shocked by the appearance of Omicron, the newest variant of the Covid-19 virus. This variant is said to have a faster spread than the previous variant.

This analysis report was made using data from the Twitter social media platform which was pulled and processed using the NoLimit Dashboard, with several keywords, namely Covid, Omicron, and Vaccines. The data collection period is from November 1, 2021 to January 30, 2022.

Talks about Omicron and Covid-19 variants

Based on the keywords that we monitored on social media, namely Covid, Omicron, and Vaccines with withdrawal dates from November 1, 2021 to January 30, 2022, there were 1,561,887 conversations involving 953,513 speakers. in addition to Omicron with a share of voice as much as 84%.

During the monitoring period, the discussion regarding the Omicron variant and other Covid-19 variants tends to increase, with the focus of the issue changing.

The movement of conversations related to Omicron is compared to the Covid-19 variant along with the issues that arise (source: NoLimit Dashboard)

The issue that was discussed the most during this period was the increasing number of Covid-19 cases. This issue was discussed in late January 2022.

Omicron’s impact on people’s lives

The phenomenon of a global pandemic is certainly inseparable from the views and opinions of the public. Monitoring conducted by NoLimit shows that there are 24,032 conversations stating that people are worried that mobility outside the home will again be limited by the presence of this Omicron variant.

Public perception and response regarding the Omicron variant (source: NoLimit Dashboard)

One of the netizens’ tweets expressing concern about the return of mobility outside the home was from a citizen named Tomi Purba, below.

  • Tomi Purba

(@tomipurba) November 25, 2021

In addition, some people state that they are afraid of being infected and often attack children, PTM is still at 100% despite an increase in Omicron cases, it is difficult to fast and celebrate Eid al-Fitr, and is considered only a myth or diversion of issues.
  • jessi (@JESSIANDTHEJETS) January, 30 2022

The community considers that the most obvious impact of the Omicron is the closure of schools due to the detection of Omicron cases. Until the time this article was written, in some schools, learning was still carried out using the PTM system, either 100% or hybrid. It was observed that there were 21,900 conversations expressing concerns regarding school closures.

Other impacts of Omicron that were discussed by netizens were the re-implementation of WFH by non-essential sector offices, difficulties in finding Covid referral hospitals, decreased MSME income, and layoffs.

Industries considered to be most affected by the Omicron variant (source: NoLimit Dashboard)

Of the various industries in Indonesia, the industry that is considered the most affected by Omicron is the tourism industry. As we all know, even at the beginning of the pandemic, the tourism industry was the one most affected. Before Omicron’s presence, the domestic tourism industry was considered to be on the rise—though of course not as good as it was before the pandemic. The Omicron variant, certainly affects the number of tourists visiting tourist attractions, thus threatening the sustainability of the tourism industry itself.

– Malang Raya (malangraya) January 26, 2022

Other industries that have been impacted by the pandemic are the economy, aviation, and health.

In addition, the public also gave their opinions regarding who was the most affected by this Omicron variant.

The group that is considered most affected by the presence of the Omicron variant (source: NoLimit Dashboard)

Of many workers in Indonesia, the ones considered most easily affected by Omicron are small traders and office workers. The reason is that the government’s implementation of a tiered PPKM policy can directly affect the income of these small traders because restricted mobility can affect their sales volume. Meanwhile, office employees are more influenced by the WFH or “Work From Home” work system, whereas before the existence of Omicron, offices have gradually implemented a WFO or “Work From Office” work system.

Other groups affected by Omicron are teachers (anxiety due to PTM learning), online motorcycle taxis (reduced passengers), students (teaching and learning activities are being carried out online again), entrepreneurs (decreased sales turnover), and drivers (high risk of exposure).

Want to read the full NoLimit Indsight report? Click here!

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